Cinema Concessions & Merchandise
Creating blockbuster experiences for your customers.
Cinema Concessions & Merchandise
Transform movie nights
into a premiere experience.
Cinema concessions and merchandise are unbeatable at enhancing the movie experience, helping to extend the thrill long after the curtains have closed. Cinema concessions help to elevate a movie night into a premiere experience with fresh theme (licensed) merchandise that are contagiously collectable.
Cinema concession merchandise can help drive traffic to the snack bar attracting new customers and keeping regulars coming back for more.
Bar traffic
Engaging fans
Providing unique collectable merchandise can also help extend and elevate the movie going experience with tangible collectables for fans of all ages.
Creating magical experiences that keep fans coming back.
Our creative nouse has helped us design and deliver some of the worlds most iconic cinema concessions, adored by fans the world over. It's all about creating unique striking concepts that help bring the movie experience to life, tranforming movie nights into something special.
Make your cinema promotions a box office hit with Zinc.
To create truly amazing and memorable cinema concessions requires a delicate mix of experience, strategic thinking, creativity and imagination. That's where we come in, with decades of experience and a healthy track record of delivering blockbuster cinema concessions, we've got you covered and are ready to go.
Brands we’ve made REAL.
We’re trusted by the world’s biggest brands

Make your brand REAL
Explore our range of complementary services to bring your brand to life.